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How can I get in touch with someone at ABR?

We can be reached at We do not have a phone number. The Alberta Bulldog Rescue Society is run entirely by volunteers so you may not receive a response right away – please be patient. We do not have an office and all of our dogs are placed in foster homes.

Do you adopt to out of province families?

At this time, we do not adopt outside of Alberta.

Can I adopt a dog as a present for someone else?

No. We do not believe a dog is an appropriate gift to give to someone else. Dogs are and should be a life time commitment

I have noticed that comments are occasionally deleted from social media posts. Why does this happen?

We do monitor our social media posts, and comments that are not constructive, are disrespectful or are made regarding the status or results of an application, or our policies are deleted and some users are banned from our page.

Can I negotiate the price of a dog?

Sorry, we will not negotiate the adoption fees. Please read the information on our page about how and why our fees are set. We are willing to work out payment plans with applicable adopters, when appropriate.

Can I adopt a dog that has not been spayed or neutered?

No. Do not ask us to reconsider, we will not help anyone breed and contribute to the problem of irresponsible breeding and pet over population.

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